About Renewables Norway

Renewables Norway is a non-profit industry organization representing about 400 companies involved in the production, distribution and trading of electricity in Norway.

Our services

  • Promoting legislation and industrial policies
  • Advising member companies
  • Representing employers in collective bargaining
  • Offering networking opportunities

Norway is a major energy nation in Europe based on a completely unique set of resources: hydropower, petroleum and new renewable energy sources such as windpower and biomass. Norway has only one per cent of Europe's population, but 20 per cent of the hydropower resources, 50 per cent of the water reservoirs (stored water for hydropower production), 40 per cent of the gas resources and 60 per cent of the oil resources.

Norwegian power production is almost 100% renewable and emission free

95 per cent of the power production stems from the 1600 hydropower plants which are spread all across the country, and about  10 per cent stems from windpower. The Norwegian power grid is 330.000 km long and has a security of supply rate of 99,998 per cent.

Renewables Norway's vision is that Norway should take a leading role as the first renewable and all-electric society in the world.

Our unique renewable energy resources gives Norway a good point of departure on the path towards an emission free society, including green growth and new jobs in other industries.

Renewables Norway is working actively to improve the regulatory framework in which our member companies operate, both in Norway and in Europe. Through the EEA Agreement Norway is participating fully in the European electricity market, in particular through the Nordic regional market which has been at the forefront of electricity market development in Europe. Through our Brussels office we work closely with our Nordic friends to influence European decision making in the area of electricity market integration.

Norway's interconnections with our neighbouring countries is of vital importance for our security of supply, and it also enables the Norwegian renewable energy industry to participate actively in the European market. This is particularly important due to the fact that, most years, Norway is a net exporter of electricity.

The industry is undergoing changes and the energy companies are looking at new areas of investment such as the further development of contractor operations, broadband, security systems and telecommunications. Few other industries have such a wide range of activities spread across the entire country as the power sector. This underlines the industry's important role as an industrial motor – locally, regionally and nationwide.

Renewables Norway is a member of NHO - the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, which is the largest employers' organizations in Norway.

Renewables Norway is a member of Nordenergi

About Nordenergi

Nordenergi is the joint collaboration between the Nordic associations for electricity producers, suppliers and distributors. 

Who are the members of Nordenergi?

The members are Green Power Denmark, Renewables Norway, Finnish Energy, Samorka – Icelandic Energy and Utilities, and Swedenergy - Energiföretagen Sverige.

Overall, Nordenergi represents more than 800 market players, most of them active in the electricity sector, but also in other areas such as district heating, gas and services.

Renewables Norway in charge

Nordenergi is led by a two year rotating secretariat between its members. Currently the secretariat is chaired by Renewables Norway.



Nordic Energy Office, 7.th floor

Rue de la Science 14 A

BE-1040 Brussel


Profilbilde Niklas Kalvø Tessem.
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